En video som gör mig glad!!

2009-10-31 @ 21:28:41
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Vaya con dios - night ht owls. Den får mig att tänka på M.

See all the Night Owls when they gather 'neath the neon lights
They've been sleeping all day long, now they come alive
See all the Night Owls when they gather, dressed up to the nines
They're out to party and they'll keep it going 'til the morning light
Sundown girls are posing coolly, looking so divine
Trying to excite and mustify
Sharing juicy secrets 'bout some man to hypnotise
Merry-making sisters, flashing smiles that hold the sharpness of a knife
See all the Night Owls when they gather 'neath the neon lights
They've been sleeping all day long, now they come alive
See all the Night Owls when they gather, dressed up to the nines
They're out to party and they'll keep it going 'til the morning light
Heavy Boys are watching from the corner of their eyes
Talking of some hero's lates crime
Then they leave the circle one by one, once in a while
If you want to keep it going, 'ain't it time that we all had another line
See all the Night Owls when they gather 'neath the neon lights
They've been sleeping all day long, now they come alive
See all the Night Owls when they gather, dressed up to the nines
They're out to party and they'll keep it going 'til the morning light
Blue-eyed boy is taking Cinderella for a ride
Promising a glimpse of paradise
>, says the spider to the fly
'Til the morning light

Amanda Jensen - Happyland

2009-10-31 @ 19:28:29
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Hamra just nu

2009-10-31 @ 16:19:27
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Det här är bandet som fick mig

2009-10-31 @ 14:02:26
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att börja lyssna på Rock än gång i världen. Det är The Sweet... Och jag gillar det forfarande.
The pepparmint twist

Poppa Joe

Higher and Higher - MSG Rock n Roll Hall of fame.

2009-10-31 @ 11:32:37
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Lasse Winnerbäck - sjunger han om mig??

2009-10-31 @ 11:03:52
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Jag får liksom ingen ordning på mitt liv... På torsdag ska jag se honom i Globens Annex

Just nu!!

Fredag och jag känner mig inte alls alert...

2009-10-30 @ 19:23:48
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Är jag på väg och bli sjuk igen? Hoppas inte. Denna fredag ligger jag bara och softar framför TV:n!

Torsdag - otroligt vad tiden går fort.

2009-10-29 @ 21:16:17
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Ännu en vecka har snart passerat revy. På arbetet har det inte varit mycket av höstlov. Det har varit fullt upp. Vi har en stor affär som ska vara klar på måndag. Så skönt när det är över, det har varit mycket jobb.

Ikväll har jag suttit och kollat på gamla inlägg. Det som slår mig är hur slö jag är just nu. Egentligen är det inte mycket av blogg utan ner av en jukebox. Jag ska försöka ta mig i kragen och börja skriva lite mer. Det har varit mycket bilder och oneliners ett tag. Men så är det, inspiration kommer och går. Undrar hur fröken i Lycksele har det.

Vad händer i helgen? Jag ska städa här hemma. Ska städa i mina bokhyllor och bland mina kläder, kort sagt rensa och skapa lite ordning i kaoset. Nästa vecka kommer min nya bokhylla! 

Den här var bra!!

Tom Levin - Lyssna på honom!!

2009-10-27 @ 23:05:31
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Open all night ... Det svänger ju:)

2009-10-25 @ 22:02:42
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En härlig film, ett härligt klipp

2009-10-25 @ 21:36:06
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Det har varit en går och regnig dag här i Stockholm. Därför extra skönt att titta på de nhär videon idag!! Jag gillar Amanda, det märks att hon gillar ABBA.

Förresten, idag är det en stor dag

2009-10-25 @ 18:04:32
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Min lilla brorsdotter ska för första gången sjunga i Svenska kyrkans barnkör i New York. De övar för luciafirandet.  Hoppas att det går bra!

Lycka till E!!! Jag är så stolt över dig!

Lite underhållning:

2009-10-25 @ 17:23:10
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2009-10-25 @ 17:10:47
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...är här...
Det gav mig en bonustimme imorse. Jag trodde att jag vaknade vid nio. Men på radion var det vädret så klockan var bara åtta. Sä skönt. 
Efter en härlig frukost stack jag iväg till arbetet. Det är så skönt att arbeta när det inte är någon annan där, det var bara jag och en kollega. Jag fick riktigt mycket gjort. 
På eftermiddagen var det dags för ett träningspass. Jag sprang cirka 6 km. Nästa söndag är det dags för New York Marathon. Otroligt vad tiden går fort, det är redan ett år sedan jag sprang NYC marathon. Jag är så stolt över den här!

IKEA - ingen höjdare en lördag

2009-10-24 @ 16:50:35
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Idag har jag varit och handlat. Först var vi på Fliesbergs i Bålsta. Jag har investerat i nya längdåkningsskidor, nya längdåkningspjäxor och en ny "finjacka". Det är snart dags att börja träna på allvar inför vasaloppet.

Fliesbergs ligger i Bro, väldigt nära Brohof golf. Så vi tog en kort promenad på Sveriges finaste golfbana. Slottet är vackert!

Därefter var det dags för dagens pärs. Att besöka IKEA en lönelördag... Hur dum får man vara?? När man ser kaoset i Barkaby så förstår man att Ingvar Kamprad är rik...

Lite av lönen har jag gjort av med nu:

2009-10-24 @ 11:24:46
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In the midnight hour

2009-10-23 @ 23:04:39
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Dagens fredagsunderhållning

2009-10-23 @ 22:51:18
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Avslutar denna torsdag med:

2009-10-22 @ 22:38:17
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Idag är det 21 oktober.

2009-10-21 @ 22:27:14
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Det är faktiskt bara fyra månader kvar till nästa stora utmaning. Det är hög tid att börja träna inför Vasaloppet.

Idag har jag tränat på SATS för första gången på tre veckor. Jag har varit förkyld. På programmet stod tjugo minuters jogging, några hantelövningar, 10 minuter rodd och lite stretching. Mitt mål är att träna tre dagar i veckan, ända fram till loppet. Jag har också bokat in två träningsläger - Nyårsveckan ska jag tillbringa i Hamra och sedan ska jag åka till Säfsen en helg i januari. Sedan ska P och jag till Harsa en helg i februari, eller hur P??;-)

Det slog mig idag hur olika man utvecklas i livet. När jag var grabb och tonåring så fanns det bara sport i min värld. När jag var mellan 25 - 40 så kretsade mycket kring ekonomi och börsen. De sista åren har det varit mycket Internet, rock och musik. Det är sällan jag har balans i mina intressen.  Så mellan 45 och 50 är det kanske dags för bara kvinnor?? Hahaha.

Nu ska jag lägga mig och läsa lite i den här!!

Vilken kväll jag var med om för två veckor sedan!!

2009-10-21 @ 20:39:18
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Hamra just nu:)

2009-10-21 @ 13:23:46
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Sista kvällen i Philly!!! Oj oj!!

2009-10-21 @ 10:56:41
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Vilken setlista!!

2. Wrecking Ball
3. Out on the Street
4. Hungry Heart
5. Working On A Dream
6. Born in the USA
7. Cover Me
8. Darlington County
9. Working on the Highway
10. Downbound Train
11. I'm on fire
12. No Surrender
13. Bobby Jean
14. I'm Goin' Down
15. Glory Days
16. Dancing in the Dark
17. My Hometown
18. The Promised Land
19. The River
20. Long Walk Home
21. The Rising
22. Born to Run
24. Spirit in the Night ---- With Vini Lopez on drums
25. Loose Ends ---- a request
26. Kitty's Back
27. American Land
29. Waiting on a sunny day
30. Thunder Road

En härlig tjej - besök hennes sida!

2009-10-20 @ 22:24:35
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Hon kommer bli stor!!

Grattis Sofia! Jag är imponerad!!
Sofias musik på Myspace

Proud Mary

2009-10-20 @ 21:37:25
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Twist and shout... favorit i repris;)

2009-10-19 @ 21:19:04
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Twist and Shout, Barcelona ,20-7. from Willem on Vimeo.

Gessle släpper snart en ny skiva...

2009-10-18 @ 19:18:33
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Den femtonde oktober i mitt paradis...

2009-10-18 @ 19:03:43
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Bruce är tokig. I onsdags spelade han i Philadephia. På Måndag är det dags igen. Vad gör han når han är ledig en helg? Jo då, åker han till sin gamla rockklubb och gör ett inspirartionsgig med Southside Johnny och Patti med flera. Setlistan är enorm. Jag skulle göra vad som helst för att uppleva den! Kolla:


Cadillac Ranch
Cover Me
Two Hearts
Spirit In the Night
It Takes Two
Seven Nights to Rock (Bruce jumps on bar and in crowd).
Sugar, Sugar
Tell Him (with Patti Scialfa)
Time Is On My Side (with Patti Scialfa)
Brilliant Disguise (with Patti Scialfa)
Further On Up the Road
The Fever (with Southside Johnny)
Talk to Me (with Southside Johnny)
Dancing In the Dark
Waiting On a Sunny Day
Boy From New York City (with Patti)
Darlington County
From Small Things
Mans Job
Pink Cadillac
Havin' A Party (with Southside Johnny)
Detroit Medley
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Glory Days
Twist & Shout
Thunder Road
Häftigt, var ordet!!

Grattis ÅFF

2009-10-18 @ 17:45:19
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Det är en stor dag idag, det är dags att börja intressera sig för Allsvenskan igen...!!Varför då?  Jo, mitt favoritlag - Åtvidaberg FF är klara för Allsvenskan år 2010! Wooow!!

På sjuttiotalet - när jag var livsfarlig vänsterytter i Rotebro IF pojkar 64 - så var mitt största intresse fotbollslaget ÅFF jämte Ingemar Stenmark då förstås!! Bilder på Ralf Edström, Sandberg, Torstensson satt på mitt pojkrum. Mamma berättade idag hur jag tjatade mig till ett medlemskap i deras Fanklubb.

Riktigt skoj!

Söndag - höst är vackert!

2009-10-18 @ 13:29:43
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John Mellencamp - The real life

2009-10-17 @ 22:55:03
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Suzanne divorced her husband
She got the keys and the car and the home
But her friends were really his friens
No one stops by to see her much any more
So one night, she goes back down to
The old haunts
That once upon a time were her own
She didnt know nobody out there no
And the whole experience just made her
Feel so old
She says

I want to live the real life
I want to life my life close to the bone
Just because im middle-aged that
Dont mean
I want to sit around my house and watch tv
I want the real life
I want to live the real life

Jackson jackson was a good kid
He had four years of college
And a bachelors degree
Started workin, when he was 21
Got fed up and quit
When he was 43
He said, my whole life
Ive done, what I supposed to do
Now id like to maybe do something
For myself
And just as soon, I figure out what
That is
You can bet your live
Im gonna give it hell
He says

I want to live the real life
I want to life my life close to the bone
Just because im middle-aged that
Dont mean
I want to sit around my house and watch tv
I want the real life
I want to live the real life

I guess, it dont matter, how old you
Or how old one lives to be
I guess, it boils down to what we did
With our lives
And how we deal with our own
But something happens
When you reach a certain age
Particularly to to those ones, that are
Young at heart
Its a lonely proposition when you
That theres less days in front of the
Than riding in the back of this cart
I say

I want to live the real life
I want to life my life close to the bone
Just because im middle-aged that
Dont mean
I want to sit around my house and watch tv
I want the real life
I want to live the real life.


Jason Mraz - I am Yours

2009-10-17 @ 11:07:13
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Lördag morgon:

2009-10-17 @ 09:45:39
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Så skönt att ligga kvar i sängen. Jag är en nattmänniska. Kommer igång först vid 10-tiden och sällan i säng före 12-tiden. Igår låg jag och vred på mig. Hade svårt att somna. Inte konstigt att jag gick upp först nu. Jag har börjat dagen på You tube. Inte helt ovanligt. Dagens första video är John Mellencamps If i die sudden.

If I die sudden
Please don't tell anyone
There ain't nobody that needs to know
That I'm gone
Just put me in a pine box
Six feet underground
Don't be calling no minister
I don't need one around

Well my grandma she told me
She'd be waiting at the gate
She said that the fix was in
And that she's already prayed
And the rest of my family
Will be waiting there for me too
They'd already taken care of my sins
And there's was nothing for me to do

So If I die sudden
Please don't tell anyone
There ain't nobody that needs to know
That I'm gone
Just put me in a pine box
Six feet underground
Don't be calling no minister
I don't need one around
I don't need no preacher around

I got a little bit of money
Some papers you might want to see
I got a house down in Georgia
But let's keep this brief
I'm not afraid of dying
This life's been right to me
I got a whole bunch more than I deserve
And now I will be free
Yeah now I will be free

So If I die sudden
Don't tell anyone
There ain't nobody that needs to know
That I'm gone
Just put me in a pine box
Six feet underground
And don't be calling no minister
I don't need one around
I don't need no preacher around

Ur The Commitments - Treat her right!

2009-10-16 @ 19:43:50
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I wanna tell you a story every man ought to know
If you want a little lovin' you gotta start real slow
She's gonna love you tonight if you just treat her right
I wanna squeeze her real gentle, you gotta make her feel good
Tell her that you love her like you know you should
She'll be glad every night if you just treat her right

If you practice my method just as hard as you can
You gonna get a reputation as a lovin' man
Yeah, you'll be glad every night that you treated her right

Hey, hey, hey

I wanna tell you a story every man ought know
If you want a little lovin' you gotta start real slow
She's gonna love you tonight if you just treat her right

I wanna squeeze her real gentle, you gotta make her feel good
Tell her that you love her like you know you should
'Cause if you don't treat her right she will not love you tonight

Hey, hey, hey

Kvällens Bruce - från Philly Spektrum

2009-10-15 @ 22:10:48
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Got a wife and kids in baltimore jack
I went out for a ride and I never went back
Like a river that dont know where its flowing
I took a wrong turn and I just kept going

Everybodys got a hungry heart
Everybodys got a hungry heart
Lay down your money and you play your part
Everybodys got a hungry heart

I met her in a kingstown bar
We fell in love I knew it had to end
We took what we had and we ripped it apart
Now here I am down in kingstone again

Everybodys got a hungry heart...

Everybody needs a place to rest
Everybody wants to have a home
Dont make no difference what nobody says
Aint nobody like to be alone

Everybodys got a hungry heart...

Jackie Brown - Mellencamp

2009-10-14 @ 21:54:55
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Sorgerlig text, men så vackert.

Is this your life, jackie brown?
Poorly educated and forced to live on the poor side of town.
Is this your daughter, jackie brown?
This pretty little girl
In the worn out clothes
That have been hand-me down.
Is this your wife, jackie brown?
With sad blue eyes, walking on eggshells so you dont see her frown.
Is this your family, jackie brown?

Dream of vacationing on a mountain stream
And giving the world more than it gave you.
What ugly truths freedom brings
And it hasnt been very kind to you.
Is this your life, jackie brown?

Is this your meal, jackie brown?
Barely enough, Ive seen people throw away more than this out.
Is this your home, jackie brown?
This three room shack
With no running water
And the bathroom out back.
Is this your grave, jackie brown?
This little piece of limestone that says another desperate man took
Himself out.
Is this your dream, jackie brown?

Going nowhere and nowhere fast
We shame ourselves to watch people like this live.
But who gives a damn about jackie brown?
Just another lazy man who couldnt take what was his.
One helluva life jackie brown.
Forevermore, jackie brown
Amen and amen - jackie brown?

Här sprutas det vinter;-)

2009-10-14 @ 10:02:43
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En till Wild nights:

2009-10-13 @ 22:59:32
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As you brush your shoes and stand before your mirror
And you comb your hair and grab your coat and hat
And you walk the streets trying to remember
All those wild nights breeze through your mind
And everything looks so complete
When youre walking out on the street
And the wind catches your feet
And sends you flying, crying
Oooh, oo-ooh wee the wild night is calling
All the girls walked by dressed up for each other
And the boys do the boogie woogie on the corner of the street
And the people passing by just stare with the wild wonder
And the inside jukebox roars just like thunder
And everything looks so complete
When youre walking out on the street
And the wind catches your feet
And sends you flying, crying
Oooh, oo-ooh wee the wild night is calling
The wild --------- night is calling
Come on out and dance
Come on out and make romance
Come on out and dance
Come on out and make romance
And everything looks so complete
When youre walking out on the street
And the wind catches your feet
And sends you flying, crying
Oooh, oo-ooh wee the wild night is calling
Oooh, oo-ooh wee the wild night is calling


Hurt so good

2009-10-13 @ 21:43:07
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Hallå där, idag har det verkligen varit en höstlik dag. Det är kallt! Lite segt, men jag värmer mig med en av mina husgudar - John Mellencamp. Det är visserligen en cover av Kevin Chesney - en av USA stora countrystjärnor!
When I was a young boy,
Said put away those young boy ways
Now that im gettin older so much older
I long all those young boy days
With a girl like you
With a girl like you
Lord knows there are things we can do, baby
Just me and you
Come on and make it a

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

You dont have to be so excitin
Just tryin to give myself a little bit of fun, yeah
You always look so invitin
You aint as green as you are young
Hey baby its you
Come on girl now its you
Sink your teeth right through my bones, baby
Lets see what we can do
Come on and make it a

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

I aint talkin no big deals
I aint made no plans myself
I aint talkin no high heels
Maybe we could walkin around, all day long,
Walkin around, all day long

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good
Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love dont feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

Hey, hey

Cinnamon Street

2009-10-11 @ 23:24:06
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Kvällens underhållning

2009-10-11 @ 22:16:16
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Överraskningar - jag älskar dem!

2009-10-11 @ 18:44:22
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Det är en grå reging dag här i Stockholm. Jag satt och tänkte. Jag borde verkligen göra något åt min lay-out.  Men samtidigt vet jag inte riktigt hur man gör, jag orkar inte lära mig det. Då dök det upp ett SMS från Lycksele. Och jag klickade på bloggen. Lyckseles vackra fé hade svingat sitt trollspö. Det är vad jag kallar vänskap!  

Vi behöver inte ens prata med varandra ;-)

Tack Maja!!  

Fenway park 2003 - Jo, det är Bruce igen, hahaha!

2009-10-11 @ 13:36:58
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Mina sju konserter med Bruce och ESB.

2009-10-11 @ 11:02:45
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Paris, Stade de France, 2003-05-24 5 LJ

Who'll Stop the Rain
The Rising
Lonesome Day
The Ties That Bind
My Love Will Not Let You Down
Empty Sky
You're Missing
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Be True
The Promised Land
Worlds Apart
Out in the Street
Mary's Place
Into the Fire

Bobby Jean
Born to Run
Seven Nights to Rock

My City of Ruins
Land of Hope and Dreams/
Dancing in the Dark

New Jersey, East Rutherford, Giants Stadium 2003-08-28 4 LJ

The Rising
Lonesome Day
The Ties That Bind
Darkness on the Edge of Town
The Fuse
Empty Sky
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Be True
Worlds Apart
Out in the Street
Mary's Place
Independence Day
Into the Fire
No Surrender

From Small Things (with Bobby Bandiera)
Hungry Heart
Born to Run

My City of Ruins
Land of Hope and Dreams
Dancing in the Dark 

New York,  Albany, Times Union Center 2007-11-15 5 LJ

Radio Nowhere
No Surrender
Lonesome Day
Gypsy Biker
Reason to Believe
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Candy's Room
She's the One
Livin' in the Future
The Promised Land
I'll Work For Your Love
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
E Street Shuffle
Devil's Arcade
The Rising
Last to Die
Long Walk Home

Girls in Their Summer Clothes
Thunder Road
Born to Run
Dancing in the Dark
American Land

Stockholm, Globen 2007-12-10 4 LJ

Radio Nowhere
No Surrender
Lonesome Day
Gypsy Biker
Reason To Believe
Candy's Room
She's The One
Livin' In The Future
The Promised Land
I'll Work For Your Love
The River
Working On The Highway
Devil's Arcade
The Rising
Last To Die
Long Walk Home

Girls In Their Summer Clothes
Born To Run
Dancing In The Dark
American Land
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Göteborg Ullevi Stadion 2008-07-05 5 LJ

No Surrender
Lonesome Day
Hungry Heart
Summertime Blues
The Promised Land
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Janey, Don't You Lose Heart
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Working on the Highway
Because the Night
She's the One
Livin' in the Future
Mary's Place
I'm on Fire
Drive All Night
The Rising
Last to Die
Long Walk Home

Girls in Their Summer Clothes
Thunder Road
Born to Run
Bobby Jean
American Land
Twist and Shout

Stockholms stadion 2009-06-04 Regn-konserten 4 LJ

Who'll Stop The Rain
My Lucky Day
Prove It All Night
Outlaw Pete
Out In The Street
Working On A Dream
Johnny 99
The Ghost of Tom Joad
Raise Your Hand
I'm Goin' Down
Cadillac Ranch
Because The Night
Wild Thing
Waiting On A Sunny Day
The Promised Land
The Wrestler
Kingdom Of Days
Lonesome Day
The Rising
Born To Run

Hard Times
Bobby Jean
Land of Hope and Dreams
American Land
Glory Days
Twist And Shout
Dancing In The Dark

New Jersey, East Rutherford, Giants Stadium 2009-09-30 5 LJ

(Kanske min sista konset med ESB??)

Wrecking Ball
Johnny 99
Atlantic City
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working On A Dream
Thunder Road
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Born To Run
She's The One
Meeting Across The River (trumpet solo: Curt Ramm)
Waiting On A Sunny Day
The Promised Land
Into The Fire
Lonesome Day
The Rising
No Surrender

Raise Your Hand
E Street Shuffle
Growing Up
American Land (with Willie Nile)
Dancin' In The Dark (with Willie Nile)
Hard Times (with Willie Nile)

Dessutom såg jag Bruce i Globen 1992. Men den räknar jag inte riktigt. De enda låtar som jag hört på samtliga konserter är Born To Run, Badlands, The rising och Lonesome day: det säger en hel del om vilken låtskatt  Bruce har. Nu ska jag äta frukost! Sedan ska jag plocka lite och försöka komma i form inför en ny arbetsvecka!

No surrender - Bruce får inatt!

2009-10-10 @ 21:50:31
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Jaha, där försvann den svenska VM-drömmen! Men det går inte att komma till VM när man gör så få mål!  Grattis Danmark! Vi får bli rödvita nästa sommar!! Det har ju varit kul förr! Vistt minns vi EM 1992!!

Jag tröstar mig med den här videon!

We busted out of class had to get away from those fools
We learned more from a three-minute record than we ever learned in school
Tonight I heart the neighborhood drummer sound
I can feel my heart begin to pound
You say youre tired and you just want to close your eyes and follow your dreams down

We made a promise we swore wed always remember
No retreat, believe me, no surrender
Like soldiers in the winters night with a vow to defend
No retreat, believe me, no surrender

Now young faces grow sad and old and hearts of fire grow cold
We swore blood brothers against the wind
Im ready to grow young again
And hear your sisters voice calling us home across the open yards
Believin we could cut someplace of our own
With these drums and these guitars

We made a promise we swore wed always remember
No retreat, believe me, no surrender
Blood brothers in the stormy night with a vow to defend
No retreat, believe me, no surrender

Now on the street tonight the lights grow dim
The walls of my room are closing in
But its good to see your smiling face and to hear your voice again
We could sleep in the twilight by the river side
With a wide open country in our hearts
And these romanics dreams in our heads

We made a promise...

Hamra just nu!!

2009-10-10 @ 12:53:35
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Sista konserten på Giants

2009-10-10 @ 10:27:34
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"Wrecking Ball"
"Spirit In the Night" (*)
"Outlaw Pete"
"Hungry Heart"
"Working On a Dream"
"Born In the U.S.A."
"Cover Me"
"Darlington County"
"Working On the Highway"
"Downbound Train"
"I'm On Fire"
"No Surrender"
"Bobby Jean"
"I'm Goin' Down"
"Glory Days"
"Dancing In the Dark"
"My Hometown"

"Tougher Than the Rest" (*)
"The Promised Land"
"Last To Die"
"Long Walk Home"
"The Rising"
"Born To Run"

"Raise Your Hand" (with excerpt from "You Sexy Thing" (*))
"The Last Time" (Rolling Stones cover) (*)
"Waitin' On a Sunny Day"
"Seven Nights To Rock" (*)
"Kitty's Back"
"American Land"
"Jersey Girl"

Härlig Video fr i Lördags!

2009-10-09 @ 22:46:09
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Melissa horn

2009-10-09 @ 21:58:12
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Billy Joel - en till favorit!

2009-10-09 @ 21:25:38
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John Mellncamp - Cherry bomb

2009-10-09 @ 14:43:43
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Well I lived on the outskirts of town
In an eight room farmhouse, baby
When my brothers and friends were around
There was always somethin doin
had me a couple of real nice girlfriends
Stopped by to see me every once in a while
When I think back about those days
All I can do is sit and smile

Thats when sport was a sport
And groovin was groovin
and dancin meant everything
We were young and we were improvin
laughtin laughtin with our friends
Holding hands meant somethin baby
Outside the club cherry bomb
Where our hearts were really thumpin
say yeah yeah yeah
Say yeah yeah yeah

The winter days they last forever
And the weekends went by so quick
We ridin around this little country town
We were goin nuts, girl, out in the stick
One night me with my big mouth
A couple guys had to put me in my place
When I see those guys these days
We just laugh and say
Remember when

Thats when sport was a sport
And groovin was groovin
and dancin meant everything
We were young and we were improvin
laughtin laughtin with our friends
Holding hands meant somethin baby
Outside the club cherry bomb
Where our hearts were really thumpin
say yeah yeah yeah
Say yeah yeah yeah

Seventeen has turned thirty-five
Im surprised that were still livin
if weve done any wrong
I hope that were forgiven
Got a few kids on my own
And some days I still dont know
What to do
I hope that theyre not laughtin too
Loud, when they hear me talkin like this to you

Thats when sport was a sport
And groovin was groovin
and dancin meant everything
We were young and we were improvin
laughtin laughtin with our friends
Holding hands meant so much baby
Outside the club cherry bomb
Where our hearts were really thumpin
say yeah yeah yeah
Say yeah yeah yeah

Born to run - Giants stadium 2009-10-03

2009-10-09 @ 13:58:21
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In the day we sweat it out in the streets of a runaway american dream
At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines
Sprung from cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin out over the line
Baby this town rips the bones from your back
Its a death trap, its a suicide rap
We gotta get out while were young
`cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run

Wendy let me in I wanna be your friend
I want to guard your dreams and visions
Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims
And strap your hands across my engines
Together we could break this trap
Well run till we drop, baby well never go back
Will you walk with me out on the wire
`cause baby Im just a scared and lonely rider
But I gotta find out how it feels
I want to know if love is wild, girl I want to know if love is real

Beyond the palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard
The girls comb their hair in rearview mirrors
And the boys try to look so hard
The amusement park rises bold and stark
Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist
I wanna die with you wendy on the streets tonight
In an everlasting kiss

The highways jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive
Everybodys out on the run tonight but theres no place left to hide
Together wendy well live with the sadness
Ill love you with all the madness in my soul
Someday girl I dont know when were gonna get to that place
Where we really want to go and well walk in the sun
But till then tramps like us baby we were born to run

Just nu, utsikten hemma

2009-10-08 @ 14:37:51
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och Bon Jovi

New York just nu

2009-10-08 @ 12:34:51
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Funäsdalen 7 oktober:

2009-10-08 @ 10:13:30
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American Land

2009-10-07 @ 20:28:40
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What is this land of America, so many travel there
I'm going now while I'm still young, my darling meet me there
Wish me luck my lovely, I'll send for you when I can
And we'll make our home in the American land

Over there all the woman wear silk and satin to their knees*
And children dear, the sweets, I hear, are growing on the trees*
Gold comes rushing out the river straight into your hands*
If you make your home in the American land*

There's diamonds in the sidewalks, there's gutters lined in song
Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long
There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man
Who will make his home in the American land

I docked at Ellis Island in a city of light and spire
I wandered to the valley of red-hot steel and fire****
We made the steel that built the cities with the sweat of our two hands
And I made my home in the American land

There's diamonds in the sidewalk, there's gutters lined in song
Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long
There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man
Who will make his home in the American land

The McNicholas, the Posalski's, the Smiths, Zerillis too**
The Blacks, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans and the Jews
The Puerto Ricans, illegals, the Asians, Arabs miles from home***-*****
Come across the water with a fire down below******

They died building the railroads, worked to bones and skin
They died in the fields and factories, names scattered in the wind
They died to get here a hundred years ago, they're dyin' now
The hands that built the country we're all trying to keep down

There's diamonds in the sidewalk, there's gutters lined in song
Dear I hear that beer flows through the faucets all night long
There's treasure for the taking, for any hard working man
Who will make his home in the American land

Who will make his home in the American land
Who will make his home in the American land

I am on fire

2009-10-07 @ 19:15:54
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En klassisk biljett

2009-10-06 @ 19:27:19
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(Nej, jag var inte där!)

Lyssnar jag på just nu:

2009-10-06 @ 18:12:57
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Sirius radio: E Street Radio
Classic concerts - Wembley 1985-07-04



Låter fantastiskt!!

Tenth Avenue från förra onsdagen!

2009-10-06 @ 17:27:56
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To Four Jersey Girls

2009-10-06 @ 16:40:30
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got no time for the corner boys
Down in the street making all that noise
Or the girls out on the avenue
'Cause tonight I wanna be with you
Tonight I'm gonna take that ride
Across the river to the Jersey side
Take my baby to the carnival
And I'll take her on all the rides

'Cause down the shore everything's all right
You and your baby on a Saturday night
You know all my dreams come true
When I'm walking down the street with you

Sha la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la
Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl

You know she thrills me with all her charms
When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms
My little girl gives me everything
I know that some day she'll wear my ring
So don't bother me man I ain't got no time
I'm on my way to see that girl of mine
'Cause nothing matters in this whole wide world
When you're in love with a Jersey girl

Sha la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la
Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl

I see you on the street and you look so tired
I know that job you got leaves you so uninspired
When I come by to take you out to eat
You're lyin' all dressed up on the bed baby fast asleep
Go in the bathroom and put your makeup on
We're gonna take that little brat of yours and drop her off at your mom's
I know a place where the dancing's free
Now baby won't you come with me
'Cause down the shore everything's all right
You and your baby on a Saturday night
Nothing matters in this whole wide world
When you're in love with a Jersey girl

Grattis my old man

2009-10-06 @ 13:03:28
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Idag fyller min far 76 år! Grattis Pappa!!

Mitt sällskap idag!!

2009-10-05 @ 20:02:13
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En till video fr Giants stadium

2009-10-05 @ 14:09:08
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God morgon!

2009-10-05 @ 08:22:23
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Min vecka startar med att jag är ordentligt förkyld! Så trist! Jag stannar hemma från arbetet idag! Min Bruce Springsteen weekend avslutas med:

Från i natt - Glory days

2009-10-04 @ 20:40:04
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Bruce... vad gör han??

2009-10-04 @ 11:44:49
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Vilken bild!

2009-10-04 @ 07:57:12
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Natt 3 på Giants Stadium

2009-10-04 @ 07:53:21
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Nattens setlista! Woooow!!!

October 3, 2009
East Rutherford, New Jersey
Giants Stadium

Wrecking Ball
Out In The Street
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working On A Dream
Born In The USA
Cover Me
Darlington County
Working On The Highway
Downbound Train
I'm On Fire
No Surrender
Bobby Jean
I'm Goin' Down
Glory Days
Dancing In The Dark
My Hometown
The Promised Land
Last to Die
Long Walk Home
The Rising
Born To Run
Jersey Girl

Kitty's Back
Detroit Medley
American Land
Waiting On A Sunny Day
Thunder Road

I mitt tycke en av årets häftigaste!!

Forts Bruce Springsteen Giants Stadium

2009-10-03 @ 16:56:56
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Tenth avenue Freezeout

Tear drops on the city
Bad scooter searching for his groove
Seem like the whole world walking pretty
And you cant find the room to move
Well everybody better move over, thats all
Im running on the bad side
And I got my back to the wall
Tenth avenue freeze-out, tenth avenue freeze-out

Im stranded in the jungle
Taking all the heat they was giving
The night is dark but the sidewalks bright
And lined with the light of the living
From a tenement window a transistor blasts
Turn around the corner things got real quiet real fast
She hit me with a tenth avenue freeze-out
Tenth avenue freeze-out
And Im all alone, Im all alone
And kid you better get the picture
And Im on my own, Im on my own
And I cant go home

When the change was made uptown
And the big man joined the band
From the coastline to the city
All the little pretties raise their hands
Im gonna sit back right easy and laugh
When scooter and the big man bust this city in half
With a tenth avenue freeze-out, tenth avenue freeze-out
Tenth avenue freeze-out...


Bruce Springsteen på Giants Stadium

2009-10-03 @ 10:40:22
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Good evening New Jersey! Nice to be in my back yard!
Join us tonight to shut the old lady down! We've had a lot of great nights here, let's make this another one. This is something I wrote for tonight.

I was raised out of steel here in the swamps of Jersey, some misty years ago
Through the mud and the beer, and the blood and the cheers, I've seen champions come and go
So if you've got the guts mister, yeah if you got the balls
If you think it's you're time, then step to the line, and bring on your wrecking ball

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Let me see what you've got, take your best shot
Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Take your best shot, let me see what you've got
Bring on your wrecking ball

My home is here in the Meadowlands, where mosquitoes grow big as airplanes
Here where the blood is spilled, the arena's filled, and Giants play the game
So come on raise up your glasses and let me hear your voices call
Come on!
Tonight all the dead are here, so bring on your wrecking ball

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Yeah take your best shot, let me see what you've got
Bring on your wrecking ball

One, two, one two three four!

[trumpet solo]

And we know that come tomorrow, none of this will be here
So hold tight on your anger
Yeah hold tight on your anger
Hold tight to your anger, and don't fall to your fear

Now when all this steel and these stories, they drift away to rust
And all our youth and beauty, it's been given to the dust
And our game's been decided, and we're burning down the clock
And all our little victories and glories, have turned into parking lots
When your best hopes and desires, were scattered through the wind
And hard times come, hard times go
Hard times come, hard times go
Hard times come, hard times go
Hard times come, hard times go
Hard times come, hard times go

Just to come again, bring on your wrecking ball
Let me hear your voices call
Take your best shot, let me see what you've got, bring on your wrecking ball
Come one!

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Take your best shot, let me see what you've got, bring on your wrecking ball

One, two, one two three four!

[trumpet solo]

Thunder road

Set listan:)

Wrecking Ball (with Curt Ramm)
Johnny 99
Atlantic City
Outlaw Pete
Hungry Heart
Working on a Dream
Thunder Road
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (with Curt Ramm)
Born to Run
She's the One
Meeting Across the River (with Curt Ramm)
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
The Promised Land
Into the Fire
Lonesome Day
The Rising
No Surrender
* * *
Raise Your Hand
E Street Shuffle (with Curt Ramm)
Growin' Up
American Land (with Willie Nile)
Dancing in the Dark (with Willie Nile)
Hard Times